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Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Finally Square Enix...Finally
March 9, 2010: write it on your calenders, tattoo it on your body do whatever you can to remember this date. This day will be every gamers dream. I will probably be barricaded in my room living off food reserves. I will not be answering any calls, texts, people coming to my door or even my RA..ok maybe my RA. In case you haven't heard Square Enix has set a release date for Final Fantasy 13. This game will basically the single best game anyone has ever played. If your not a gamer and want to start, get this game first. The hype around this game is almost equal to that of Modern Warfare to if that tells you anything. Final Fantasy franchise has stood the test of time. From beginning to end the games have exceeding above par providing gamers with in-depth storyline, and the later games have superb graphics. I have played every Final Fantasy made so far except FF11 because it was origionally released of the PC. The bottom line is that FF13 sould be amazing considering Square Enix pushed the release date many times.
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