Borderlands is one of the best games so far this year. Looking at the storyline, it kinda reminds me of Red Faction: Guerrilla, with being on a distant planet, and fighting for your life. But anyway, Borderlands is 2K Games' newest installment that has a different feel from some of their previous games like Bioshock. Now Bioshock is a hard game to equal, but would Borderlands be able to do it? Here is my review.
Borderlands is a guns blazing, no holds bar kind of game. If you wanna go out and kill everything in site, you can, with satisfaction. The game offers tons, and I mean tons of weapons at your disposal. According to Gearbox there is 17,750,000 different variations of weapons you could own. When I played this game, I changed weapons every other nanosecond. Other than the weapons, the 4 main characters are all equally as interesting. Each has there own story and fighting style, and don't disappoint. This game has a very distinct style to it. The graphics are not really comparable to any other game I have played, but it just adds to the games awesome factor. There are really not any bad aspects to this game. The solo campaign is boring, but that is about it. Overall, Borderlands received an 8.5.
Basically, you are a mercenary, living on a planet call Pandora. The storyline consists of a band of killers, looking for a place called The Vault. This place supposedly holds power and treasure that the world has never seen. Pandora is a very dusty, lonely place and a friendly face is few and far between. So basically you have to kill everything in your path, but with the variety of ways you can do it, it never gets old. Along the way, you pick up items and improvements to make yourself unstoppable, make your weapons more powerful or have a variation to them. For example, a sniper rifle can shoot flaming bullets, or your shotgun will be able to shoot 6 rockets at a time.
"There ain't no rest for the wicked"
I agree, Borderlands is an awesome game. I'm glad that developers are picking up on the mixing rpg elements with first person shooters to make them more entertaining.