This past week Saw the video games hit stores bringing a new wave of puzzle games. As I had said before I do not like video game adaptation of movies but this one however is different. Saw is not your ordinary kids game like Wall-E or Ironman, it appeals more to the older, mature audience with over the top graphic game play. But will this game flop like other games of the like? Here is my review.
The Saw films are some of the most mind bending and gruesome films of the decade and the game follows suit. The developers did an amazing job incorporating the environment a Saw movie would have. There are plenty of traps, explosions, and puzzles to keep you guessing as well as surprise moments to keep you on the edge of your seat. The reviews I have read on this game praise it for the atmosphere, and puzzles which make the game actually enjoyable. Another aspect that the game includes is the voice of Tobin Bell who plays Jigsaw in the movies, which is a major plus. Some of the downfalls of this game is that it can become repetitive, frustrating and the combat is horrible. Overall this game received an average of 6.5 on various sites.
The storyline is very complex and intriguing. You play was David Tapp, who is a detective who is on the search for Jigsaw. However he gets shot, but Jigsaw captures him and replaces the bullet with a key. Then you are placed into Jigsaws crazy and murderous world of puzzles and traps. It is not long before you find out that you are not the only player and everyone else is out to get the key in your chest. The main story is about you going around helping others escape from their traps in order to complete yours. You are met with plenty of attackers along the way and you have many weapons in you arsenal from a bat, pipes, syringes, and machetes that keep the game interesting.
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