I don't have many problems with what happens in the gaming world, but are a few i do have. First thing that I can't stand is when developers create video game adaptions of movies. For example for the Ironman movie, there was a game that came out with it that was horrible and I mean horrible. That is the way most games like that are. They have horrible graphics, sketchy movement and seems like they just rushed the project. Making games like this take away from the integrity of the movie because they don't follow the story line or even tell a whole different story in itself. They make a game for near about every movie. The new Terminator, Lord of the Rings, and the Chronicals of Riddick all have games that came out with the movie. Most of these types of games score poorly and appeal to kids but still cost $60 which is a waste of money if you ask me. The only "good" game adaptation of a movie was Wolverine only because it had over the top blood and was made to appeal to an older generation.
The second problem that I have is with people at Square Enix. Square Enix are the creators of the Final Fantasy series among other games but right now really caused a riff in the gaming community. They continue to push the date back on the lasted installment in the FF series, which is now not expected to come out until the second quarter of next year. Orignally it was supposed to come out in November but for some unknown reason they pushed it back. It makes me wonder because Square Enix puts out other games, like most recent Dissidia: FF but push FF 13 back. The way I see it is that their moneymaker is the mainstream FF so I would be putting as many people as I could on that project rather than others. All I know is that Final Fantasy 13 better be the best game I have ever played.
Square Enix and Blizzard seem to have problems following release dates, but at least when their games come out they are normally spectacular, with few exceptions(I'm looking at you, FFX/FFX-2 and FF Tactics advance). The combat seems to be well done in FFXIII, though the setting is a bit odd. FFXIV has stolen so much of the attention from XIII though, so it is hard to know how popular XIII will be.